A chronological list of selected publications translated or written by Antonella Lettieri.


Maria Grazia Calandrone, Your Little Matter, published by Foundry Editions in June 2024.

Your Little Matter is a memoir originally published in 2022 and shortlisted in 2023 for Premio Strega, Italy’s most prestigious literary award. Maria Grazia Calandrone looks into the story of a man and a woman who, in 1965, abandoned their eight-month-old daughter in a park in Rome and then killed themselves by jumping into the Tiber River: the man and the woman were her mother and father; the baby was her. You can pre-order the book here and read an excerpt published on Asymptote here.

Enrico Remmert, The War of the Murazzi, an excerpt published in Comparative Critical Studies in March 2024.

My translation of an excerpt from Enrico Remmert’s short story The War of the Murazzi was published in Comparative Critical Studies (Volume 21, Issue 1) for winning first prize in the 2023 John Dryden Translation Competition. You can read it here.

Enrico Remmert, Baal, a short story published in The White Review Writing in Translation Anthology in March 2024.

In Baal, the unnamed narrator finds a new sense of self and discovers love in a ‘hopeless place’ when he takes up a job in a dodgy breeding kennel and starts labouring relentlessly to turn squalor and desolation into a surprising form of happiness, despite the ever-looming threat of pure evil in the form of the vicious dog Baal. You can buy the anthology here.

Ornela Vorpsi, Drink Van Houten’s Cocoa, a short story published on La Piccioletta Barca in March 2024.

Drink Van Houten’s Cocoa is a collection of short stories published in 2010. The title story focuses on a young girl visiting her great-grandmother with her cousins and schoolmates. Since the great-grandmother is so old that death itself seems to have forgotten all about her, the young girls feel able to pour their young hearts out and confess little secrets about boys that would be impossible to discuss elsewhere. However, soon the narrator becomes more interested in her ailing great-grandmother than in the company of her peers. You can read my translation here.

Maria Grazia Calandrone, Your Little Matter, an excerpt published on Asymptote in January 2o24.

Your Little Matter is a memoir originally published in 2022. You can read the excerpt here. Your Little Matter will be published by Foundry Editions in June 2024. You can pre-order it here.

Enrico Remmert, The War of the Murazzi, an excerpt published on Asymptote in 2023.

The War of the Murazzi is a collection of short stories originally published in 2017. The title story is set in a post-industrial Turin reminiscent of Detroit and deals with the transformation of Italy from a monocultural country to a multicultural society. Like many of the younger generation at that time, the protagonist Manu embraces multiculturalism enthusiastically but is at the same time confused and strangely fascinated by some of the ugliest and most violent consequences of immigration and marginalisation. You can read the excerpt here.

Alberto Fabio Ambrosio, Divine Clothing, an essay soon to be published by Bloomsbury in Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles.

The essay outlines a theology of clothing and fashion in the New Testament.

Alberto Fabio Ambrosio, Dio tre volte sarto: moda, Chiesa e teologia, English title and publisher to be announced soon.

The book explores the possibility of a theology of fashion by outlining the relationship between clothing, fashion, and religion.

Mike Watson, Prefazione all’edizione italiana in Perchè la sinistra non impara a usare il meme?, published by Meltemi in 2022.

I translated the preface to the Italian edition of Mike Watson’s Can the Left Learn to Meme? on millennial-era cultural production.

Diego Lanza and Gherardo Ugolini (Eds.), History of Classical Philology: From Bentley to the 20th century, published by De Gruyter in 2022.

The book outlines an updated history of classical philology as a discipline from the seventeenth century to the contemporary debate.

Emanuele Coccia, Rovesciare il monachesimo globale, published on che-fare.com in 2020.

The essay by the philosopher Emanuele Coccia was originally published in Fall Semester with the title Reversing the New Global Monasticism. My translation in Italian is available here.

Adam Arvidsson, Changemaker? Il futuro industrioso dell’economia digitale, published by Luca Sossella Editore in 2020.

The book argues that, as industrial capitalism enters a period of prolonged crisis, a new paradigm of ‘industrious modernity’ is emerging.

Alberto Melloni (Ed.), Martin Luther: A Christian between Reforms and Modernity (1517-2017), published by De Gruyter in 2017.

I translated 21 essays for this book in three volumes on Martin Luther. The essays cover topics such as theology, history, philosophy, music, and art history.

Articles and Creative Writing

Willem Marx, The Full Meaning of Events: An Interview with Antonella Lettieri, published on Asymptote in 2023.

I was interviewed by Willem Marx for Asymptote.

Antonella Lettieri, Discovery, Self & Linguistic Surprise: Thirsty Sea by Erica Mou, published on The Glasgow Review of Books in 2023.

My review of Erica Mou’s Thirsty Sea, translated by Clarissa Botsford and published by Héloïse Press.

Antonella Lettieri, La promessa del Booker Prize, published on minima&moralia in 2021.

The article presents to the Italian readership the six books shortlisted for the Booker Prize 2021, with a particular focus on the winner.

Antonella Lettieri, Dove nessun romanzo ha mai messo piede prima, published on minima&moralia in 2019.

I transcribed, translated, and adapted into Italian the panel Where No Novel Has Gone Before with Edoardo Albinati, Rachel Cusk, and Claudia Durastanti, organised as part of the Festival of Italian Literature in London. For the 2019 edition of the Festival of Italian Literature in London, I also translated into English Loredana Lipperini’s short story Stride la Vampa.

Antonella Lettieri, A Man of Two Faces, published on H-Amstdy in 2017.

I reviewed 2016 Pulitzer Prize-winner The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen on H-Amstdy.

Antonella Lettieri, Le parole che non avrei mai detto, Di come sono diventata la più importante esperta al mondo di anti-folk (o quasi), and Scappare di casa a 27 anni, published on Abbiamo le prove between 2014 and 2015.

The online magazine Abbiamo le prove is no longer available on the Internet, which is a shame. If you’re interested in reading these short pieces of non-fiction in Italian, email me and I’ll see if I can find them on my hard drive.

Antonella Lettieri, Le vite di Vincenzo, published in Inchiostro in 2006.

A short story in Italian.